3 Ways to Tell If You Should Remove a Tree

Posted on: 1 March 2016

Removing a tree from your property is not always an easy decision, as trees can improve the view of your property and can also hold moisture in the ground so there is less chance of soil erosion in your yard. However, there are times when it's good to have a tree removed rather than keeping it on your property, either to make way for a new tree or to simply open up the space. Note a few ways to tell if you should remove a tree versus just trimming branches or leaving it as is.

1. Are branches touching or overlapping your home?

If a tree is actually touching your home, this can cause mold growth on the aluminum siding. The branches will hold moisture against the siding, including morning dew, and then mold will grow between the branches and the siding. If the branches are touching or overlapping your home and blocking out sunlight, this can mean that moisture inside the home may have a hard time evaporating and your home could see more mold and mildew growth. Trimming these branches isn't always a solution as they will eventually grow right back, so removing the tree altogether may be your best choice.

2. Does the tree fail to thrive?

If you find that you need to trim away dead branches from a tree every year, this can be because the tree is not native to your area or because soil conditions cannot support a healthy tree. Rather than having the tree trimmed repeatedly, it can be good to remove a tree that never thrives altogether. You can then replace it with a tree that is native to your area or that is better suited for your property's soil conditions and which will more readily grow and remain healthy. 

3. Infestation

Trees are often a favorite spot for many types of insect infestations, including termites and certain types of ants. In some cases the infestation may be so severe that you cannot treat it adequately with insect killers and insecticides, and you may not be comfortable using so many chemicals on your property. In that case, it can be good to simply remove the tree altogether. An arborist or tree removal company can tell you if the trunk and roots should remain intact so that a new tree grows or if these should be dug up and removed as well so you can plant a new tree in its place.

For more information, contact a company like A Green Tree Lopping Service


Pruning Trees for Tree Houses: Tips, Ideas and Strategies

Hi, my name is Mark, and I recently helped my kids build a tree house. During the process, we learned a lot about how to build effectively. We also learned what qualities your tree needs to meet to accommodate a play house in it. If you are planning to build a tree house, you may not know the importance of pruning and other tree maintenance tips before you begin. You need to make sure the branches you have are strong enough to bear weight, and you may need to remove unstable high branches to prevent them from falling on your new tree house. Before you get started on your project, explore this blog and learn everything you need to know about tree services and tree houses.

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