Essential Tree Services That a Professional Arborist Must Provide

Posted on: 7 December 2021

Trees are a crucial part of a property's landscape; hence, owners should not underestimate their benefits. Besides beautifying a lawn, trees add value to a property, provide fresh air, offer shade, and hold the soil together, preventing erosion. However, only healthy trees deliver the expected benefits, which is why you must seek help from a tree service company. Notably, tree service companies have professional arborists who know everything about trees. When looking for a tree service company, ensure the following services are on offer.

Tree Health Inspections 

One of the most critical services professional arborists offer is tree health inspections. Notably, trees are living organisms prone to attacks by diseases and pests. Sick plants slowly deteriorate and eventually die if not treated in good time. Unfortunately, if you know little about trees, the chances are high that you cannot tell when a plant is sick until it is too late. Thus, property owners should hire tree service companies that offer regular health inspections. The assessments are thorough and often entail checking the leaves and trunk to enable arborists to identify possible infections and administer treatment early.

Trimming and Pruning

Tree trimming and pruning are equally essential services that arborists offer property owners. The reason is that overgrown leaves and branches can be a nuisance to property owners. For instance, overgrown leaves make cleaning and property maintenance a nightmare because you must sweep them almost daily. Similarly, overgrown branches can cause accidents and damage to neighbouring houses. However, tree pruning and trimming help sustain a plant's health, stimulate growth, and beautify lawns. Notably, tree trimming and pruning is an art and a science, and arborists are experts in both. The science part involves understanding tree biology and knowing the right leaves and branches to trim and prune. The art part is all about trimming and pruning a tree with beauty and aesthetics in mind.

Tree Removal

Plants can be an asset or a liability depending on their condition. Overall, a healthy tree is an asset, while a sick one is a liability. Therefore, if an arborist inspects a tree on your property and discovers a significant health issue, they might recommend removal. However, it is essential to note that some arborists do not provide tree removal services. Thus, you must look for another company that offers the service. The best strategy is to look for a company that offers tree inspection and removal services so that you don't have to spend extra money and time looking for and hiring another service provider.

Reach out to a tree service in your area. 


Pruning Trees for Tree Houses: Tips, Ideas and Strategies

Hi, my name is Mark, and I recently helped my kids build a tree house. During the process, we learned a lot about how to build effectively. We also learned what qualities your tree needs to meet to accommodate a play house in it. If you are planning to build a tree house, you may not know the importance of pruning and other tree maintenance tips before you begin. You need to make sure the branches you have are strong enough to bear weight, and you may need to remove unstable high branches to prevent them from falling on your new tree house. Before you get started on your project, explore this blog and learn everything you need to know about tree services and tree houses.

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