Knowing When It's Best to Have A Tree Removed From Your Garden

Posted on: 16 November 2016

Trees add beauty, shade and character to a garden. However, there are times when it's best to have a tree removed, even if it doesn't seem to be causing problems for you right now. Here are a few examples of when you should look into tree removal.

Problematic Species

Some trees are poisonous, so they shouldn't be in your garden if you have pets or young children. There are also species that have weak branches, so there's a possibility the branches could break off and cause damage depending on their location in your garden. If you have a tree with a shallow root system, there's a risk the roots will sprawl outwards and damage your lawn or pavement if it's in the front garden. Trees that are susceptible to insect infestation or disease could lead to the health of other trees in your garden being damaged. A few examples of problematic species include yew, mulberry, eucalyptus, Bradford pear, willow and empress.

Leaning To One Side

In dense woodland, trees that have to compete for light tend to grow in a diagonal direction. However, when a tree grows this way in your garden, it's a sign of a weak root system. Leaning trees are hazardous, and as the tree starts to lean, the uneven distribution of weight can cause root exposure and cracks in the soil. These trees can fall on your or your neighbour's property and will be easily damaged in a storm.

No Space To Grow

If a tree is too close to your home, you can experience problems as it grows. Roots can damage the foundations of your property, and falling leaves from overhanging branches can block your guttering. It's easier to remove a young tree, so don't wait until your tree is taking over your garden to have it removed.

Internal Decay

The main external sign of a decaying tree is vertical cracks on the trunk. The more cracks there are, the more advanced the internal decay is. The tree may look like it's flourishing, but as the trunk hollows out it becomes weak. This makes the tree dangerous, as it could fall at any time.

If you are not sure what species of trees you have in your garden, a tree surgeon can identify them for you, assess their health and make recommendations, such as complete removal or lopping, which is a technique used to remove large branches. 


Pruning Trees for Tree Houses: Tips, Ideas and Strategies

Hi, my name is Mark, and I recently helped my kids build a tree house. During the process, we learned a lot about how to build effectively. We also learned what qualities your tree needs to meet to accommodate a play house in it. If you are planning to build a tree house, you may not know the importance of pruning and other tree maintenance tips before you begin. You need to make sure the branches you have are strong enough to bear weight, and you may need to remove unstable high branches to prevent them from falling on your new tree house. Before you get started on your project, explore this blog and learn everything you need to know about tree services and tree houses.

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