Three Things Not To Do If You Want A Healthy Palm Tree

Posted on: 5 January 2018

Palm trees are synonymous with balmy climates and tropical living. Therefore, it is not surprising that you can find palm trees in the gardens of many Queensland homes. Palm trees are relatively easy to care for, but since this is your first time owning a home with a palm tree in its garden, you want to make sure its properly cared for during the hot summer months. Pruning a palm tree is best done during spring or summer, so these three pointers you need to know to make sure your palm tree remains healthy after your pruning attempt.

Don't prune to improve looks

A palm tree is unique in that it only grows one new frond (leaf) at a time. Although a palm tree does not have a brain, the growth of each frond occurs when the tree needs to replace one which is dying. If you remove healthy fronds just to balance the look of the tree, it takes up to five years for a replacement frond to grow and mature.

Don't remove any green fronds

A frond which is dying is dark brown and brittle, whereas the healthy new fronds are a vibrant green. Mature green fronds feed new baby fronds as they grow, so if you remove the older ones, you are reducing the cycle of sustenance moving around the tree.

Don't reduce the canopy of a palm tree

Palm trees grow between 2 and 15 metres tall depending on which variety is planted in your garden. Tall palms will sway a lot during vicious Queensland summer storms, but that movement does not mean they automatically need pruning. The most mature fronds are normally at the top of the tree, and these fronds protect the new growth during storms. The mature fronds grow in a cantilever pattern to balance the trunk when the winds pick up.

One bad pruning mistake on a palm tree can set its progress back years because it does only grow one new frond at a time. Therefore, if these tips have left you concerned about trimming your palm trees correctly, then it is best to call on the expert services provided by a tree lopper to ensure your palm gets the attention that it needs without any damaging ramifications. Since summer is an ideal time to get this task done, do not hesitate to book in a tree expert to tend to your palms before the summer temperatures begin to cool.


Pruning Trees for Tree Houses: Tips, Ideas and Strategies

Hi, my name is Mark, and I recently helped my kids build a tree house. During the process, we learned a lot about how to build effectively. We also learned what qualities your tree needs to meet to accommodate a play house in it. If you are planning to build a tree house, you may not know the importance of pruning and other tree maintenance tips before you begin. You need to make sure the branches you have are strong enough to bear weight, and you may need to remove unstable high branches to prevent them from falling on your new tree house. Before you get started on your project, explore this blog and learn everything you need to know about tree services and tree houses.

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