How to Benefit From Introducing Trees to Your New Neighbourhood

Posted on: 24 October 2018

If you are in charge of a community redesign, you will have put a great deal of effort into relining some of your streets, repaving all the surfaces, building new walkways and paths and introducing some street furniture. Next, you need to add some colour and life so that you really add some spice to the project and for this, you need to consider introducing some trees for a variety of different reasons. Why is it so important to add trees to any revamped urban environment?

Many Benefits

There's something very peaceful and reassuring about a row of trees along a sidewalk, quite apart from the variety of colour. They help to break up the monotony imposed by concrete or asphalt, but they can contribute to human life and cohesion, as well.

Carbon Trap

For example, trees can help to offset carbon emissions and will automatically improve the quality of your new development. They can bring down the ambient temperature of the area, which is not a bad thing in sultry Australia, so they can make your neighbourhood more palatable in summer.

Flooding Abatement

When they are planted strategically, trees can even limit the risk of flooding, as they do help to absorb a lot of the dense moisture in the soil through their root network. Above all else, they help you to promote biodiversity and simply make the area a nicer place to be.

Health Benefits

Did you know that vegetation can help to get rid of particulate area pollution in the environment? The larger the tree and the greater its canopy, the more the tree can intercept this harmful pollutant and protect the people in the vicinity. Air pollution in Australia is rising alarmingly, especially as diesel-powered vehicles are becoming more commonplace and are particularly bad from this perspective. Think about this carefully, as the more sophisticated you are in planning your choice of tree, positioning, structure and overall canopy area, the better.

Proper Planning

Up until now, trees may have been something of an afterthought as you busily prepare for your project completion date. However, you should talk with your landscape supplier before you do anything else, so you can get a broad variety of tree species and introduce them strategically. This will help you to not just upgrade the finished item from an aesthetic point of view, but truly improve the lives of those who will live and work there.

For more information, contact your local landscape tree suppliers.


Pruning Trees for Tree Houses: Tips, Ideas and Strategies

Hi, my name is Mark, and I recently helped my kids build a tree house. During the process, we learned a lot about how to build effectively. We also learned what qualities your tree needs to meet to accommodate a play house in it. If you are planning to build a tree house, you may not know the importance of pruning and other tree maintenance tips before you begin. You need to make sure the branches you have are strong enough to bear weight, and you may need to remove unstable high branches to prevent them from falling on your new tree house. Before you get started on your project, explore this blog and learn everything you need to know about tree services and tree houses.

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