Why Cutting Down an Intrusive Tree Is Only Part of Your Problem

Posted on: 28 June 2017

If you want to make the most of the sunshine and make sure that you have a bright, open and airy home, you may want to do something about those protruding branches in your back garden. That tree has just become overbearing and you really need to remove it. Once that has been achieved, however, the stump will remain, as it's not normally part of a tree cutting process. It's not really a good idea to simply leave this, however, for a number of reasons.
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3 Ways to Make Your Apple Tree Produce More Apples

Posted on: 22 December 2016

Whether you're planting a new apple tree in your garden or you already have one that's not been doing so well for a while, you'll want to do your best to keep the yield (number of good quality apples produced) high. A tree that produces a lot of apples will look great in your garden and provide you with a steady supply of home-grown fruit. Here are three ways to boost your apple tree yield so you can enjoy the gorgeous colour and crunchy goodness of the fruits.
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Knowing When It's Best to Have A Tree Removed From Your Garden

Posted on: 16 November 2016

Trees add beauty, shade and character to a garden. However, there are times when it's best to have a tree removed, even if it doesn't seem to be causing problems for you right now. Here are a few examples of when you should look into tree removal. Problematic Species Some trees are poisonous, so they shouldn't be in your garden if you have pets or young children. There are also species that have weak branches, so there's a possibility the branches could break off and cause damage depending on their location in your garden.
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Trees and Power Lines: Five Tips to Consider

Posted on: 5 August 2016

Trees and power lines can be a dangerous combination. If a branch falls on a power line, it could disrupt power to you and your neighbours or even cause injuries or fires. Wondering what you need to do to be safe? Keep these tips in mind: 1. Plant strategically. If you don't have mature trees yet, you need to be strategic about where to plant them. Check into the height at maturity of the tree species you are planting, and make sure you don't plant trees near power lines if they'll eventually tower over the lines.
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